A Passion for Maui and making every day a work of art

Amaryllis How Does Your Garden Grow?

Mangos, mangos, mangos

What to do with so many mangos…

Eat them like crazy…

Make smoothies…
Maybe bake another pie.

Not sure I’m ready for that yet…

Marilyn Jansen Lopes

Kula Country Farms

Royal Poinciana in Bloom

Sent from my iPhone

Marilyn Jansen Lopes

Maui Garden Pickin’s

All photos are by Marilyn Jansen Lopes and photos of others are posted with their permission.I have received no compensation to mention products or companies on my blog.

Gardening is Good For The Soul

Have you ever been homesick? If so, you know the ache that comes with a longing for home. Anything can trigger a memory that is fond to us. While watering in my garden or weeding sometimes, though it is extremely beautiful here on Maui, I am always taken back to my previous gardens in California. The scent of basil takes me to Topanga, California where I see a dusty hill and rugged Oak trees in the Canyon thinking of my little old dog Blackie who used to go everywhere with me. Then I’m led to memories of Sassafrass Nursery where I learned all about plants. The first day in the nursery Pamela the owner took me all throughout and had me name the plants I knew by heart. She was impressed. I am self-taught from visiting nurseries and experimenting all my life.

Dinnerplate Dahlias

I began in my twenties planting gardens in Sun Valley, California, Malibu, Topanga, Pine Mountain Club, California and then Hawaii. Everywhere I have lived came a burning desire to plant. I have to dig in the earth and plant beautiful things. I love herbs and pansies, violas, johnny-jumpups, lobelia, cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias and bulbs like dahlias, irises, daffodils, ranunculas, anemones, ixias and tulips. In Hawaii I plant dahlias among my herbs and green onions, thyme and gingers. They become huge blooms I mix with tropical bouquets of other scented spider lilies and gardenias.

                                                                      Lilikoi Vines

Here I am writing about the plants I love while dreaming of California gardens.

I have come full circle in beautiful Maui where all year long I can plant my orchids, native ferns and I totally enjoy having bananas growing in my path and papayas, a yard full of house plants. But at times I long for the cold weather different types of flowers that love the mountains of The Los Padres National Forest (my real home where my roots are)…my poppies that reseed themselves on my property there, the yarrow that has gone native, the penstemmons and lupine, the lilacs and pine trees, sagebrush and hollyhocks are so nostalgic and country and I think of quilting and baking pies and all the things that make me feel happy like taking care of my family there, too. I miss my house and my mom and sister and the mountains. The quiet nights, the crickets, the wind in the poplars are memories so sweet in my heart. A good smoky fire in my BBQ in the back yard. I love to burn wood and sing my camp songs til after dark… Well all these memories just from watering and weeding in my Maui garden.

Heavenly Blue Morning Gories

Gardening is a joy, and weeds are a chore, but so enriching to my soul as I wait for the tiny lettuce leaves to emerge, and wait for the peas to sprout and the dahlias to shoot. The cosmos are two inches tall and by summer will be three feet high. My tomatoes are taking off. Sweet basils are scattered throughout to ward off tomato worms. It works every time. Someday I’ll be back planting in California, but for now I will just have to enjoy Maui, Hawaii. Pink plumerias coming soon and lilikoi vines to pick all summer for jam & jelly and juice for months.

So, I’m home in my spirit but here on Maui and gardening is healing to my soul and spirit.

My new garden is coming along with lots of vegetables and  flowers so I will keep you posted soon.

Marilyn Jansen Lopes

Author of Amaryllis, Amaryllis, How Does Your Garden Grow? “Organically Of Course!”


What are you growing? A kitchen garden, window boxes with herbs and potted plants, tomatoes?

All photos are by Marilyn Jansen Lopes and photos of others are posted with their permission.I have received no compensation to mention products or companies on my blog.

4 more days to Win A Bunch of Prizes from Amaryllis of Hawaii

Win all these Prizes from Amaryllis.
You could win all these items below:

A set of my books

Silk-screened t-shirt of your choice (I have over 14 designs)


          Men’s Tank ti-leaves on front           Hawaiian Ingenuity on back

              Hand-Painted tee designed just for you!

One Lilikoi “Passionfruit” Jelly made by The Artful Hawaiigirl on Maui.

Beautifully gift packaged.

A One hour design session with Marilyn.

In this session I will give you a choice of either learning a recipe with me, an hour of t-shirt design in Illustrator, or How to paint on tees in the Watercolor style. This could be in person if you live on Maui or via Skype if you live elsewhere.

The total package is valued at $350.00

I am reviewing the entries
and will choose a winner by October 15th, 2009.
Winner will be announced and prizes awarded that day!

So hurry if you want to enter.

What would you do to inspire people during this economy?
I love Hawaii and I’d love to share my inspiration with you!


The Artful Hawaiigirl